Friday, May 16, 2014

Spontaneous Accomplishment

Spontaneous Accomplishment I first heard about in the late 1970s and this usually was referring to Mahasiddhas like Padmasambhava who brought Buddhism to Tibet from Nalanda University In India.

At the time I was trying to figure out what it all meant.

Now, what I think spontaneous accomplishment is all about is when you get to a state of consciousness where your internal world and the external world (including all time and space and the whole universe) cannot be separated by any useful boundaries. Though some people might think this is not possible I think it naturally happens to people given the right circumstances and perceptions from long term training of the mind to align with the "natural states of consciousness" primordially found in the universe throughout all time and space.

So, when one aligns with the natural world in a useful way "Spontaneous accomplishment" of all kinds start to take place both within and around such a person. The person could be a child, a baby or at any or all ages.

Spontaneous Accomplishment I might define as supernatural events that cannot be explained in any logical manner much like Jesus manifesting walking on water or multiplying of the loaves.

It feels like such things will start to be more commonplace all over earth now. I think it is a necessary evolution of mankind that might manifest through thousands to millions of people at once without warning or without human logic being able to interfere with these processes. One also might call this a part of the natural evolution of "Transcendence" that will manifest to thousands and then millions and possibly even billions during this century and beyond.

The natural forces driving this are Global Climate change and the necessity for human survival combined with prayers. So, to say that the next centuries will be totally bad is to misconstrue what is actually coming. There will be both good and bad things coming but mostly what I see is sort of what happens when a butterfly comes out of it's cocoon. The human race is turning into a butterfly from a caterpillar and this will cause extreme changes in consciousness and physicality for humans and for earth.

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