Friday, May 16, 2014


I was sort of feeling sorry for myself that my daughter and wife and a friend of my wife's one of the mothers of the three daughter going to southern California and all that and I wasn't invited. Then I began to think about how hot it is going to be down there and all the fires and potential smoke and smog and all that and I started to realize it is a lot cooler here than there here on the beach where we live in a forest. So, I started to realize I was going to enjoy this time alone because there are just so many changes coming at once in my life, my wife's life and my daughter's life and my son's life all at once within about 30 days time.

So, I realized God was giving me time to adapt to all the changes because I tend to be better at this than most people I know to really go down deep and experience what is coming and pre-adapt to it so it doesn't harm or kill me like it might other people who were not prepared for what is coming in their lives.

I was thinking about this today how people used to say, "You've got to be tough enough to survive anything!"

However, that isn't exactly it. What it actually is you have to be adaptable to survive whatever comes in your life. I have been through a great deal in my life starting when I was a baby with whooping cough, Childhood epilepsy, having to leave my childhood church and the girl or girls I wanted to marry, being married 3 times, surviving a heart virus and everything else.

And often, it isn't the toughest people who survive it is the most resilient and adaptable. The toughest people just break like an oak limb at a certain point, and get Post Traumatic STress disorder, have a stroke or heart attack and then they are gone by 30 to 50.

So, the people who actually survive it all and live to 80 or 100 aren't the toughest but the most adaptable and resilient which I think is pretty interesting. But, sometimes being tough enough helps too. But, only in the short run, not in the long run.

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