Friday, May 16, 2014

The ONLY safe place for nuclear waste might be In the Sun

However, unless you used something like Mag-lev technology to get it there one maybe 100 pound piece at a time it isn't ever going to get there. First, you would have to create the mag-lev slingshot effect to get it out of the atmosphere. Then you would have to repeat this effect almost an infinite amount of times. The alternative is for all nuclear waste containers to eventually leak into the ocean, rivers, lands or atmosphere and possibly exterminate whatever humans are left on earth at that time.

When they tried to use Yucca Mountain in Nevada to put it there, Harry Reid (very wisely) got together with Obama to kill this idea. The problem is that it is not safe to put nuclear waste anywhere. Even one particle you breathe into your lungs will kill you like it did John Wayne from making a movie downwind from a nuclear test site in the wind and when he breathed it in he and many other actors and extras eventually died from it who worked on that cowboy movie.

Note: However, the sun might not want nuclear waste either.

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