Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What do GMO makers, Munitions makers and nuclear weapons makers have in common?

Answer: They all are selling something that might kill, maim, or harm you or sterilize you.

For example, Hostess Twinkies taste really good and might last 25 years on a shelf. But, did they ever have any food value at all?

The same with High Fructose Corn Syrup which now is likely also made from GMO corn that is registered as a pesticide and as corn at the same time because the pesticide is in the meat of the corn. And then people wonder why they have liver and kidney problems when they are eating an insecticide in their soft drinks. Also, High Fructose Corn Syrup is addictive in that you cannot get enough sort of like MSG which is often added to corn chips (which also all tend to be GMO corn as well.

So, what GMO makers are doing is really not that different from the producers of Coca Cola, Pepsicola, and other soft drinks are doing when they add GMO High Fructose Corn Syrup to their drinks is it?

So, why would you think GMO foods are good for you or have any nutritional value at all when hostess twinkies, Beer, Wine and Alcohol also don't have food value except for  the Reservotrol in Wine which might lengthen your life. But then why don't you just drink grape juice or take Reservotrol pills for that along with CoQ10 to increase your cardiovascular health?

So, I guess what I'm saying is consuming ANY GMO foods you are eating whether you know it or not,  not only is taking  your life into your hands but also any children you have or they have. Because the more GMO foods you consume the more likely your children's children will be completely unable to conceive and be sterile. Because that is what happens to the third generation from consuming too much GMO food. They become Sterile and unable to ever have children.

And who thought of doing this to people? GMO makers?

So, in regard to the 70% of packaged goods now in Supermarkets in the U.S. right now that contain some or all GMO food I think everyone should think long and hard about having GMO labels now installed on all GMO foods in your state just like Vermont just did. So, at least the lower classes of the U.S. and all north and South America don't have to go extinct when they reach the third generation.

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