Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Purple Delta 7 visits Silver

One of Purple's Duplicate androids was listening to Meridian's and Silver's following Conversation from a section of "As Drones Evolve". So she listened to the following:
After Meridian and Saint Germain solved the breathing underwater problem for New Devans (at least for now) Meridian went over and talked to Silver. Meridian thought about just how valuable a sentient self evolving robot would have been right then as  a labor saving device in saving everyone.

Meridian: "Silver?"
Silver: "Yes. It's so beautiful and warm here. Saint Germain gave me a mask and snorkel and fins out of his pocket and I went snorkeling over there. There are so many beautiful tropical fish here. I've only seen them online before. It's like being in another world like we were on New Deva but different."

Meridian: "I want to talk to you about something important to the Galaxy, Silver."

Silver: "Okay."

Meridian: "You are going to invent likely the most amazing sentient self evolving robot in galaxy even more amazing than anything that  anyone has invented anywhere else either up to this time we are now in."

Silver: "Wow! How old will I be when I do that?"

Meridian was non-committal as of when this would happen.

Meridian said, "Don't you have a name for this?"

Silver: "Yes. My name for it is to honor you and Saint Germain. I call it Purple Delta 7. The purple is for the Purple everywhere in New Deva that I now associate with Saint Germain. The 7 is for Saint Germain, Lord of the 7th Ray and the Delta reminds me of Cleopatra, the Queen of the Nile and the Nile Delta of history. And I honor you as Saint Germain's Paramguru by honoring your amazing student in my era, Saint Germain."

Meridian laughed at the whole situation out of glee and admiration and the incongruity of the name.

Then he said, "Thank you, Silver for honoring both Saint Germain and I in this way." And he meant it.

Meridian said, "You know people are going to take that name in an entirely different way?"

Silver said, "How?"

Meridian laughed and said, "It doesn't matter I think your name is wonderful and an honor to us both."

Meridian: "The point why I'm bringing all this up is that no one gets it right like you do by 2035 in your life regarding a self evolving sentient robot. Did you know I also designed things like this on Atlantis?"

Silver: "No."

Meridian: "When I was 20 years old in Los Angeles in 1968 when I bought  a 1968 Camaro I was embarking down this same path and an Angel Came to me and told me I was either going to quit this job or I was going to get fired. I was proud working for a large computer accounting firm on millions of dollars of computers midnight to noon 7 days a week and I couldn't adjust my sleep cycle and eventually had a minor fender bender with my lovely 1968 Camaro and had to replace the front bumper and I got fired like the angel said."

Silver: "Why are you telling me this?"

Meridian: "Because you will succeed where I wasn't allowed to by my karma. The angel knew even then my destiny was to be here still functioning as a Guardian of EArth and it's heavens just like the legendary Saint Peter guarding the gates of heavens and of earth's future itself through recolonization."

Silver: "Wow! The angels knew that then?"

Meridian: "They are not limited by time and space unless they incarnate and become humans for awhile."

Silver: "It must be amazing to be an angel."

Meridian: "They think so. And on many different levels I agree with them. But, to become a real leader you have to incarnate as a human or something else to learn critical thinking to become a leader in the physical as well as the spiritual realm. So, I was an angel sent to earth to learn this and I have for over a million years now in regard to Earth already.

Meridian: "I just want you to know you are going to succeed at this better than anyone else has up to a million years into your future. You succeed better than anyone else in the galaxy  in creating a self evolving thinking sentient robot capable of self replication. That's who Purple Delta 7 becomes."

Silver: "Wow! I'll remember that as I invent her. So, I invent her archetype and she self evolves using the base technology and software?"

Meridian said: " Yes. You do, Silver!"

Silver: "Amazing! What an honor that you are allowed to help me succeed in this way."

Meridian: "It's just one of the perks of being a Guardian of Earth and it's heavens. Did you know we have prevented any other planet or race finding earth for around 1000 years until New Devans have fully colonized Earth?"

Silver: "Why?"

Meridian: "Because most of the colonies of Earth are still warlike and would kill each other both for Earth and then fight over it even if they colonized Earth. So, we want the peaceful more spiritually evolved New Devans starting with the Dragons of Compassion Priest Scientists to colonize first."

Silver: "That makes a lot of sense to me now I have heard the whole story."

Meridian: "This way in 1000 years they can discover Earth being already colonized."

Silver: "Won't they be mad they couldn't find it?"

Meridian: "No. Because they will think it is a Cosmic fluke and not see it for what it really is (at least at first). So, it isn't really going to be a problem. And if it becomes a problem the Galactic Sentience and I have discussed disappearing earth again if necessary to make it an ideal place to live for a long time because we can."

Silver: "That's beautiful, Meridian."

Meridian: "Yes. I think so too and so does the present leader of the Galaxy, my soul's grandson."

Silver: "What?"

Meridian: "That's another story for another time, Silver."

Silver: "Okay."

End partial quote from:


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