Thursday, February 7, 2013

Before Home computers, Cell Phones and Internet

Many people might wonder what we all did before Cellphones, home computers, and the Internet, but I guess my answer would be mostly, "We were incredibly happy without these things."

However, I think a lot of people wouldn't have been as happy without books and sometimes TV and sometimes movies. I think people were very different before all these things. Starting with the printing press Gutenberg is credited wit inventing the printing press in 1450. And I think before that you only learned things directly from people that had actually done or seen things mostly. And likely most of that wasn't entirely accurate. Just like what most people say isn't entirely accurate now. But now, with videos and things like that you might just have a different point of view than you would in the past. But if you take any 12 people and ask them in separate rooms to describe any given situation, you will get invariably 12 different answers (unless you put them all together) and then they will politely find a common agreement on what actually happened) even if it isn't really the truth.

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