Friday, April 8, 2016

1,030,000 plus visits to intuitivefred888

This has been an amazing journey for me for quite a few years now. It all started in 1999 for me after I recovered from a heart virus and was forced to retire because of it in 1998. My wife insisted I retire then at 50 so I didn't die which I would have during the 8 months I had a heart virus until my heart recovered enough so I wouldn't keep passing out from not being able to oxygenate my blood properly.

So, when you cannot breathe fast enough to stay conscious and you pass out you cannot even panic once or you will die right then which is what kills most people who get heart viruses. However, by age 50 I had studied with many masters and from Tibetan Lamas in the U.S. and India and Nepal I had learned not to panic when passing out by focusing my consciousness on something else. By doing this, I avoided death so I am still here now years later blogging away and traveling the world as a retired person. My youngest daughter then was about 2 1/2 years old and so I refused to die and leave her and my wife alone. So, I willed myself to stay alive for them even though those 8 months were very very difficult for me until I completely recovered. I still wasn't feeling perfect and found by 2006 when I was 58 that I needed to take thyroid medicine and I have felt much better since then. If my thyroid condition hadn't been diagnosed likely I would have died in the last 8 years or so. But, being diagnosed saved my life and lengthened it. It's amazing what the right medicine can do. Recently for 3 months (up until last week) I thought I might be dying. But, instead I realized a week ago now I was on 1/4 tablet too low of Thyroid medicine. It's amazing what 1/4 tablet too low of thyroid medicine will do to you if you are over 65. Now I have a sense of well being once again.

So, once again God has rescued me as I live longer and longer and longer. I'm both amazed and very grateful to God both for myself and my family and my friends worldwide. Have a Great Day!

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