Saturday, April 16, 2016

I write about Saint Germain

However, I'm not trying to start a religion about Saint Germain or make money in a religion about Saint Germain. Instead I write as a student of Saint Germain who has known him since I was a child since I was born into one of his religions here on earth. However, I left that religion when I was 21. But, I did not leave Saint Germain. He remained my teacher and took me to Self Realization Fellowship, took me eventually to  Tibetan Buddhism to learn Infinite Compassion for myself and all beings in the universe so I would be safe with supernatural power as I became more and more an initiate through time.

So, I have no reason to create him to be something he is not. In other words I write of him as a supernatural Superman who travels time. I write about him in various stages of development so you too can follow his path to becoming Saint Germain who is someone very much like Jesus here on earth. Not only is he somewhat like Jesus he is also a Student of Jesus through multiple lifetimes he has lived here on earth. So, it is safe to say that Jesus is one of his paramgurus (the Guru of your guru) or Spiritual Teacher.

I experience him as an engineer who engineers time here on earth who is a time lord of earth in this sense, who prevents nuclear war when he is allowed to through organizations like UNUS
who is capable of engineering a country like the United States in 1776, who is capable of engineering a country like the European Union, who is capable of creating students like myself and thousands of Others to prevent the extinction of the human race through time, who is capable of training people in the use of the Scientific method which he created as Francis Bacon in the 1500s and 1600s in England as the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I of England.

So, the logical rational approach to solving problems you see in America and Europe and most of the rest of the world you can thank people like Saint Germain incarnated then as Francis Bacon for that logic and rationality of categorizing everything studied including religion into Hypotheses, Theories and Laws thereby ending conviction by rumor and innuendo which killed so many in wars and mayhem in the past unnecessarily.

And yet, as his student he took me to India and Nepal and Thailand and Japan to teach me Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, so I could be proficient in compassion for all beings not only here on earth but also throughout the universe. By becoming compassionate in a wise, right mindful way, and in a practical way always one becomes trusted by all life in the universe and then one is capable of anything good and positive like Saint Germain is right now.

By God's Grace

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