Monday, February 6, 2012

As An Intuitive

Jonathan Flow meets the Buddha of Compassion

The above word button: "Jonathan..." takes you to an experience I wrote about based upon my experiences being very ill this last week. I had been taking care of my 37 year old son and wife who had gotten this illness and just as they got better I went down with it too. Since I hadn't been sick for 1 1/2 years at all since I had the Swine Flu virus because my immune system was too strong all that time since then to get anything I was very surprised to be taken so low and felt sort of like I was falling off a cliff into the end of my life, so I felt sort of afraid. By that night even though I usually don't ever take pain killers I needed to to be able to sleep. I knew it was dangerous for me if I couldn't sleep then. After my first 6 hours of sleep I finally adjusted to this new state of not really remembering much about my life or feeling connected in any way to the present world and perservered in just trying to survive this illness. Just when I thought I might be getting better I also got conjunctivitus in both eyes. So, remaining calm was an exercise in adult self discipline and forced calmness. However, after waiting 2 1/2 hours to see a doctor at Doctors on Duty because my wife wanted to put me in the hospital (but to me a hospital is a place to go to die because I'm 63) I refused to be admitted into the hospital because I knew myself and it wouldn't help me because of who I am. Finally, when I saw the doctor he was an East Indian Doctor MD that was also a natural healer and had a very good bedside manner and was extremely efficient in diagnosing my problems. My favorite thing about western medicine is their capacity to diagnose almost anything. I only have problems with western medicine sometimes in regard to treatments. So, now I am on the mend and my eyes and lungs are starting to clear up now 6 days later.

So, "Jonathan Flow meets the Buddha of Compassion" was then my experience of being out of time and space and praying to God to want to still be alive here on earth.

I found that through this experience I had to let go to my attachments to people and to my life up until now in the present and the metaphor expressed in "Jonathan Flow meets the Buddha of Compassion" is what my experience of all this was.

The other thing I felt I should share is that heavens are for everyone not just those of one religion or philosophy. As an intuitive this is a scientific truth that I share. If you are not intuitively gifted you will either have to wait until you pass on  or your senses open up to fully understand and experience what I'm talking about. Heaven is for everyone who is as kind to themselves and to all life in the universe as they can possibly be. For those who have real integrity heaven exists 24 hours a day.

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