Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Greece likely will be first to exit Eurozone

Despite the huge sums of money being pumped in by the ECB through its short-term bond buying programme, economists yesterday said Greece was beyond rescue and it is in its own interests — as well as that of other southern European countries — to default and take a break from the common currency until its economic health is restored.
"The whole of southern Europe will eventually leave the Eurozone due to a general lack of competitiveness, with Greece and Portugal first in line for exit," John Greenwood, chief economist at Invesco, told Gulf News yesterday.
Greenwood said Portugal would be the next to leave the common currency, with state, company and household debt pushing the country into default. He said history shows that the crisis of the magnitude that southern Europe faces today is dealt with through steps involving reduction in short-term debt, structural reforms through austerity programmes and a drastic devaluation of the currency. end quote from:

It appears that a Greek exit from the Euro and possibly back to the Greek Drachma(Greek Dollar) may be in the cards now. The only real question is whether this happens in a somewhat orderly way or through general chaos. Though another alternative might still be found for Greece it is already in de facto default.

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