Monday, February 6, 2012

If Voting Could Change Anything, it would be illegal

or "Companies are the New Countries"
or "U.S. Corporations are moving beyond the national interest. And so are the jobs."

Everything written so far are out of context quotes from page 21 of the February 13th 2012 Time Magazine.  more quotes.
"In 2008, after Lehman Brothers fell and the global recession began, the conventional wisdom was that we were entering an era in which government would take back power from business. In fact, just the opposite happened."

Next quote, "But a new and sobering survey of 10,000 high powered Alumni puts things in perspective: most of the firms bringing jobs home are making rational, not national, calculations. Rising energy costs mean its now cheaper to manufacture at home, a situation that can quickly reverse.
Conversely, many firms sending jobs abroad are doing it not to get lower wage rates but because skills overseas are better, at least in relation to wages." end quote from page 21 of the recent Time magazine.

And Concluding Quote from page 21 of Recent Time magazine Article:
". . . the core idea of enlightenment free market capitalism and democracy go hand in hand to create the best society---is evolving. And the struggle to create a new model may well pit nation against nation, corporation against government, poor against rich. Occupy that." end last quote.

And this last quote doesn't even deal with the threat Globalization is to the nation state itself. So if you add to the above quote the concept that, "And Globalization fights itself and all the above" you find out how confusing all this is to everyone. In the past one could blame someone like Hitler or Stalin or someone else like that for all the problems. But now one can only realistically blame overpopulation which caused Global Climate change which will cause almost all future problems that we face either directly or indirectly. So, hopefully Globalization as it destroys or morphs into some kind of union with the nation states worldwide will bring instant enough and useful enough solutions for the human race to survive all this.

I think this article is very well written in Time and expresses how powerless all democracies feel in regard to these kinds of problems. As bigger and bigger sums of money are allowed into our election process likely all these problems will only get much worse. And even though the comment is cynical it really doesn't make it any less true, "If Voting Could Change Anything, it would be Illegal."

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