Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Some of the comments seen here at this blog have been very good over the years. However, a year or two ago I just got tired of 90% to 95% of the comments not being comments and actually people wanting me to advertise their sex, sex toys, snake oil types of remedies, and other things like this and people propositioning the world so to speak to make money and that isn't what I want my site to be about. However, I was talking to my housekeeper this morning and I realized I still need to show you the good comments and some of the angry ones I receive here because that makes it more of an interaction and more like social media. I had been upset that I had had to cut off comments just because of all the crazy stuff I receive from places like Asia which are really off the wall and often not even in English with European Script.

So, I think I'm going to try to edit comments once again just as a service to my readers. I try to share both comments for and against my site unless they are insane and crazy completely. Being an editor I have to edit myself all the time so I might as well go back to editing comments so I can share the best ones with all of you.

Oddly enough most of the comments were regarding Hoverboards. So, it could be either people interested in Hoverboards or manufacturers of Hoverboards wanting to popularize them. However, many people are concerned about batteries catching fire. But, as batteries become safer likely they will be better devices over time.

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