Wednesday, November 21, 2018

My view of the Technological Singularity

From my point of view it doesn't matter WHEN the high point of the first burst of the singularity occurs.
I think that the first burst might be when we all started buying smartphones in 2007 with the first Iphone 


Here is an astounding statement that I still have to think about more:

"An African or Asian or South American child with a smartphone now has access to more information
than President Clinton did while he was president of the United States."

And this has been a true statement since the Iphone was invented as the first marketable smartphone 
in the U.S. in 2007. 

So, from this point of view the Techological Singularity began in 2007 and is increasing. However, if you
want to ONLY apply this to artificial intelligence and not to human children and adults then it becomes 
different. But,imagine the explosion of information already since 2007 in children and adults all over the

When I was a child in Glendale California if I was 8 to 10 years of age (1956 to 1958) I had to go to the library if I asked
my parents or my teacher something that they didn't know. and 1/2 of the time even in the library I couldn't
find the answer to my questions because the librarian that day didn't know and had no idea where to send
me for the answers to my questions. 

I always have had really great questions which is the basis of human survival anyway.
Unless you can ask the right questions in life you just don't usually survive alone anyway.

And if you can learn how to ask the right questions and you blog about these questions, someone
on earth might find the answers to those questions and might save the human race from extinction.

This is one reason why I write about the Technological Singularity. Because I believe it has already 
been here since 2007 in a human form through IPhones and then other smartphones worldwide.

Now it is moving towards Artificial intelligence through robots you talk to on the phone etc.
And it is just going to keep moving as long as it's profitable for companies to hire Artificial intelligence
rather than hiring people. And all those people who won't be hired (because they were replaced by Artificial
intelligence will either have to become criminals or terrorists or they will starve to death worldwide.

This is what we actually are facing this century and the next.

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