Saturday, November 10, 2018

Paradise is in a valley

This valley is connected to the High Sierra mountains and foothills. So, when the winds came up and they went down the valley Early in the  Morning I believe from the Santanas there was no hope for anyone because of the timing of the winds. The winds concentrated flowing down the valley and burned over 90% of the area of Paradise. There has never been a fire quite like this one in the history of California because it was a "Perfect firestorm" that likely will be studied for years. It is also terrifying that a similar firestorm hit Redding, California nearby with firenados like the ones in Paradise too. People ran for their lives early in the morning and there is even a school bus burned out that hopefully hadn't picked up any riders yet that morning before the driver likely had to run for his or her life and hopefully they survived (along with any children he or she might have picked up then).

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