Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Surviving to be an adult

Fevers are something that has always been around especially for children. I can remember being put in an ice bath to reduce my temperature when it got above 100 Degrees Fahrenheit a lot when I was little in the early 1950s. We still used this method in the 1970s and 1980s too. However, I guess some kids went into shock when put into ice water, so now they recommend Fever reducers and Tepid water instead. But, once you get above 100 degrees or so, especially into the 104 to 106 range you have to do at the very least tepid water in a bath to reduce temperatures. (likely tepid meaning in the 50 to 60 degree range or lower.  I suppose for a baby you might do this in a kitchen sink or small plastic bath tub in the kitchen sink too to better supervise them so they don't go into shock or drown in the colder water too. Keeping kids alive when they have fevers is a lot of work and someone either does it or often the kids just die. This is the way it is all over the world 24 hours a day once a child gets a fever above 100 degrees.

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