Friday, February 3, 2012

Voting without Elections

or "Leveling the power of Nations and Corporations by the people"

I just realized that social media in the way it was used by the people to change Bank of America's policy and the way the Komen Foundation's policy was changed is something we should get used to (at least as long as a free Internet exists in the Western World). Though it will tend to level out the power of both corporations and Nations, it will also tend to help those in distress when there are enough of them to create a reaction as problems are exposed by various media and become public knowledge.

Though Corporations having the same or more rights than people in the U.S. is still a problem for all Americans and the world, this I can see is one of the evening processes that will continue to exist as long as a free Internet exists.

This can only make large situations more even and useful to all. However, there is a danger of large foundations and corporations misusing or lying to various medias which could create chaos as well. So, as long as there are enough checks and balances in place through various news outlets likely for the most part this new trend could be a good thing for most people.

Later: As I have been thinking about this more I realize that in some ways since "If voting could change anything, it would be illegal" is an actuality in many ways already in the United States on a Federal level. Just like Soros said, "There is really no difference to wealthy people worldwide between Obama and Romney". So, to the rich they win either way. Corporations do better when laws stay the same and don't change. It is like stacking the deck for them. However, the common people need change to survive. So, what allows a corporation to survive and what allows the common people to survive are the opposite. Since corporations own the Congress, we have gridlock. Gridlock works for large corporations and increases profits exponentially. However, this also causes starvation and riots of the masses. But this state is unlikely to change without major demonstrations of the people worldwide. And even then the most it might do is to bring most people in democratic nations out of starvation cycles. How mankind will solve the present problems in the short and long term is anyone's guess at this point.

Because of all these factors and more, social media might be the only truly effective voting method left on earth that can be used by the masses to survive.

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