Friday, November 23, 2018

The Price of Oil

We might have reached some sort of "Tipping Point" in regard to oil. It's hard to say what that tipping point is other than an overabundance of the stuff already pumped out of the ground right now. I suspect a big part of this is as many people as can afford to are buying electric vehicles or hybrids so they can charge up from the solar arrays on their homes worldwide or they can charge up by plugging into their garage outlets so mostly they don't buy Gas or diesel at all.

There is a logic to buying an electric vehicle or hybrid vehicle in that you are lowering the price of oil, gas and diesel for everyone else on earth and allowing food prices to be low enough (because of transporting food to markets) for people to actually be able to feed themselves poor or not. So, by driving electrics and hybrids you are actually helping people eat and not starve to death worldwide.

The flip side of this is that electric vehicle batteries are really terrible for the environment and will kill fish and frogs and salamanders and other sensitive creatures and fish as the chemicals from the batteries leach into the ground. So, though re-chargable batteries used in electric vehicles won't generally pollute the air, they will pollute the ground and water whenever they are disposed of on earth.

In some ways re-chargable car and truck batteries remind me of nuclear waste because of all the potential damage they are going to cause to earth, water and living things over time.

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