Wednesday, November 21, 2018

For bloggers: The one drawback of "cleaning" quoted text through Notepad:

Is that once you "clean" quoted text and pictures and graphs through notepad so they load better through autocoders at your website (wherever it is), the HTML (it's not exactly in code visible to you but somehow notepad cleans it up) when  you park it at "Notepad" is very difficult to delete. So, you are going to be increasing memory usage unless you take the time to delete everything. There may be methods I don't know about to delete everything. But, so far using the methods I usually use of the Edit Button (I'm in Chrome) and if you are too it's up at the top of the page where you see "Chrome" then to the right of this it says "File" and then to the right of that it says "Edit". So, to delete I'm going to edit and then to Copy the whole file I want to delete while covering it with my cursor while holding down left click while moving right click over it until it is blue or purple. But then when I push the space bar down to disappear it other things happen instead often. If it is ONLY text and not pictures or anything else it might delete though.

But, just as far as cleaning your html for fitting on your page better this is working great when I copy from Notepad to my website here at, it usually eliminate pictures and graphs and just gives good text copy to your site. However, you will have to test it on your website especially if it isn't here at and if you aren't using "Chrome" like I am presently. I used to prefer Firefox but then something happened and I had to switch to Chrome. Don't fully understand the problem I was having with Firefox.

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