Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Trump isn't for Business, he is ONLY for his own Trump Businesses

For example, if you look hard enough you are going to see Saudis paying off Trump's debts to the point where he will be "Debt Free" instead of having any debts at all when he leaves office. He will be in the pay of the Saudis who likely are much richer than Putin and after the Khashoggi mess likely would pay almost any sum of money to Trump to pay of ALL of Trump's debts in order to get Trump to say what he did about the Khashoggi mess. Trump likely would rather be indebted to the Saudis than to Putin anyway. So, Trump's goal is to be debt free due to payoffs from governments like Saudi Arabia worldwide.

When Trump says he is for business you should watch him more closely. For example, he is one of the reasons that Apple and Facebook and Microsoft and Amazon stocks are tanking recently. His
Anti-Tech point of view is obvious. He prefers Oil and maybe coal  and other historical big money stocks and pushes down Tech companies mostly because they tend not to like him because they all see him as an autocrat like Hitler who is destroying our democracy and trying to turn it into a fascist Monarchy ruled by the Trump family only.

So, to say that Trump is PRO business is a lie. Trump is pro Trump business and not pro American Business at all especially if it is tech businesses like Solar, or regular tech like Amazon, Apple and Facebook.

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