Monday, November 19, 2018

I was thinking that UCSF was Berkeley but that's UC Berkeley

so, I went into google maps to try to track down the differences. What I found was UCSF School of Nursing in San Francisco and various other UCSF campuses around San Francisco. I guess when people had talked to me about UCSF before I had always assumed it was Berkeley across the Bay in the town of Berkeley. But, UCSF has multiple campuses I guess for different majors and specialties throughout San Francisco.

The Universities I'm most familiar with are San Francisco State University which is located at:
1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132

And UC Berkeley located in Berkeley across the San Francisco Bay by bridge from San Francisco.

San Francisco is a long Peninsula and has small mountains with steep roads. 

The UC Campuses are the most prestigious California state universities.

There are 9 UC campuses that are the most prestigious. But, often technical degrees are more easily attainable through the state universities whereas the UC's tend to be more graduate school oriented and theoretical and tend to produce more world leaders in their fields like at Stanford University which spawned "Silicon Valley".

However, College is all what you do with it. I liken it a lot to a hammer which you can build a house with to live in or hit yourself in the head with and die. It's all a choice what you do with your education and every aspect of your lives as long as you live.

Then there are  23 California state universities



CSU Campus Map​​

The 23 Campuses of the California State University

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