Tuesday, March 24, 2015

reprint of Word Button for Public Health warning regarding Hybrids

To increase your awareness regarding the safety (or lack of it) regarding all hybrids and electrics please click on the word button in the next line:

Public Health Warning regarding Hybrids

The problem appears to be that though hybrids and electrics consume less gasoline and other fuels they also can contribute to cancer and shorter lives of you and your children and friends who ride in them and therefore are exposed whenever they ride in them to High Voltage Electrical Coronas.

Also, if you drill deep enough into it it shows field intensities in many different hybrid cars built depending upon where you are sitting in them while moving.

Actually so you don't have to drill any deeper here is the actual button for the website:

Toyota EMF Pius Hybrid - BioInitiative

I tried to quote it directly so you didn't have to click another button but couldn't get it to load directly to the website.

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