Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oil is the Enemy of all Democracies

I was watching Charlie Rose on PBS. He was interviewing a gentleman who was talking about democracy in the world in the last 100 years or so and had written a book about it.

One of the points he made was that oil was the enemy of all democracies because it gathers wealth to non-democratic nations like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela and also helps destroys democracies in Russia, Europe, and the United States. As power in the form of money flows to non-democratic regimes,especially now, power grows in the form of money in fewer and fewer hands worldwide. As oil creates worse and worse monopolies of nepotism all democracies and therefore most people in the world are harmed either directly or indirectly by this situation.

Here is one of the most powerful of arguments why alternative fuels and energy must be developed. For if alternative energies aren't now quickly and efficiently developed it could very well be the beginning of the death of all democracies on earth and an emerging of an extreme form of Corporate Warlordism based on Nepotism starting in non-democratic countries and slowly or quickly spreading to all countries which have oil or coal or both like the United States.(Coal can be converted to oil)

This is not difficult to imagine if one foresees $10 to $20 a gallon for gas and oil in the next 10 years or so.

I have heard rumors of regular gas at $11 a gallon or more in places like the Netherlands and possibly in Israel. If these rumors are true then $10 a gallon gas is already here some places.

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