Wednesday, March 18, 2015

One of my realizations

Reading the previous article put me in touch with long life realizations that I have had.

I can share this because this my own experience so I'm not breaking any vows in revealing any initiations or mantras that were secret mantras I have been given by Tibetan Lamas.

One of my realizations that works in my individual mind stream and might work for you is that I have come to be happy experiencing myself in union with God by experiencing the entire physical universe as a constant 24 hour a day meditation.

This gives me incredible peace and allows me to continue writing here at this website and compiling useful information so you can better help yourselves, your children, your families and your friends and acquaintances better.

However, what I'm saying here is if you can encompass with your mind, not only the whole earth and atmosphere, not only the solar system, not only the galaxy but the entire universe with your mind and just keep it there infinite peace and power will find you constantly in your lives.

Even if I look at this as my return to the infinite it gives me peace.

Even if I have doubts about soul or human immortality it gives me peace.

Even if people are being unkind to me it gives me peace.

I find experiencing myself 24 hours a day at one with God and all kindness in the universe gives me peace.

And I wish to share this 24 hour a day peace with you in your lives and dreams on into eternity if this is helpful to you. By God's Grace.

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