Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Carson: Prison turns people Gay?

One of the Republican Candidates (a black Republican) made this statement. He is also a doctor.

I disagree with this asssessment because it isn't what really happens. Though it's true some gay men go to prison and have a wonderful time there this isn't true of most men.

Most men don't want to be raped while a knife is held at their throat by one or more men. So, does prison change men from the rapes and PTSD that they experience? Of Course. Just ask any man or woman who has been raped in prison by a man or a woman?

However, saying that Prison makes people Gay isn't useful to say. What prison makes people is permanently traumatized in a very strange way. Because of this many may never be the same again.

However, I wouldn't call that being gay because they were raped (sometimes every day they were in prison) against their wills. And unless they wanted to kill or die in that situation that's all they could do to survive.

So, does prison make people gay? No. It gives them PTSD from being raped over and over again.

People choose to be Gay. It is a choice.

Rape is not a choice anywhere. It is being victimized whether you are a man or a woman whether that is inside prison walls or outside of them.

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