Thursday, March 19, 2015

Hummingbird mating or challenging behavior?

Since about June 1999 (or when I realized I both had had a heart virus and I wasn't going to die from it )one month before, I have lived with my wife and youngest daughter (and sometimes my older daughter and son) at this location. So, during all this time I have observed Hummingbird behavior because one or more have lived her  year around in the vicinity of our back yard and our nearest neirbors back yard too as there are many flowering plants and trees in this area for a hummingbird family to feed on during the year.

However, what I just saw had to be either mating behavior or a form of challenging behavior or both that I have never seen before.

The hummingbird (because of his red throat) I think it was a male, flew in 30 foot arcs over a flowering bush. However, I didn't see a female even though she also might have been present in the area. He must have flown 3 to 5 of these majestic arcs and then for his finale he flew straight up above me about 300 to 500 feet. This was the most industrious of Hummingbirds I have ever seen because I have never seen anything this spectacular done by a hummingbird ever. Normally, they are very territorial and will try to threaten you away from their flower territories and they will threaten other hummingbirds away too except for their mate.

But, this was like watching a circus act so spectacular that I almost wanted to clap and cheer for him that he actually was so enthusiastic that he did something this amazing for a hummingbird. Because a hummingbird is the only bird I know that can fly straight up that fast without already being in a 2000 foot dive already. And even then they will usually arc up and not fly straight up like this hummingbird did amazingly fast.

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