Saturday, March 21, 2015

More regarding surviving your life

Most people think they have to worry about other people. Actually, at least as an adult this is usually not the case. Because usually as an adult you are perfectly free to live anywhere you want (if you live in the U.S. or another free country).

So, people are not your problem. You are your problem. So, if you make friends with youself so you can get along with yourself because you have a system of ethics you can live by and so have integrity with yourself then if you just feel safe and okay in your own skin goes a long way to your "Surviving your life".

Other people can be eliminated from your life if they are causing you problems in a variety of ways:

You can move away
You can change jobs
You can change how you relate with them
You can actually do almost anything you want to
short of hurting someone

So, learning to make friends with yourself because (wherever you go there you are) which basically means "even if you go to the North or South Pole to be alone there, you still have to deal with yourself even if you eliminate every single person from your life."

So, if you can't stand yourself to begin with likely you won't live very long until you change this by working on your ethics and actions so you feel good about yourself as a human being ongoing.

If people have conditioned you to behave in negative ways often you might have to reinvent yourself, however. So, that might take you 5 years or more to overcome negative conditioning as a baby, child or adult.

But, once you realize you are capable of fixing these errors in judgement of others, you can recondition yourself and be free of those influences if you want.

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