Monday, March 9, 2015

The problem I have with Atheists

My personal definition of Atheists would be: People who are fundamentalist in their beliefs that God doesn't exist.

Since I see fundamentalism of all kinds: religious, atheistic, scientific etc. as leading to the extinction of all life on earth either directly or indirectly, I see atheism as counterproductive to the survival of life on earth as all other fundamentalist religions on earth are too.

Fundamentalists I see as people who were abused in one way or another as children. So, they take this abuse and react intensely to what happened to them in a PTSD way. And this creates dangerous states of mind that might end life on earth at one point or another.

So, Atheism is as counterproductive as all other forms of Fundamentalism are and therefore against the survival of life on earth.

Because Fundamentalist Atheism is just as likely to create a world war in the present or future as fundamentalist religions of all kinds. Therefore this way of thinking is another form of suicidal thinking for mankind to eventually deal with if it wishes to survive long term.

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