Sunday, March 15, 2015

Compassion for yourself and others is the key to enlightenment

I've always been interested in Phenomena like Jesus turning water into wine and multiplying of the loaves of bread and the multiplying of the fishes and the raising from the dead and this sort of thing. That's just who I always was. Or learning to soul travel for real like I did growing up and as a young man.

However, this all isn't necessary. The fundamentals of Enlightenment are basically having enough compassion for yourself not to kill yourself and having enough compassion for others not to kill them either.

These two states of compassion are really where all true enlightenment starts.

So, I suppose some people might say I learned all this in this lifetime a little backwards. But, like the Tibetan Buddhists say, "There are 49,000 correct paths to complete enlightenment".

So, basically every religion and philosophy has thousands of correct paths if you can find the one that works for you.

Basically, it's what works for you in your specific mind set and emotional experience state. Different things work for different people.

But, the basis of all enlightenment is basically having compassion for yourself and then developing compassion for all others.

It's a lot like having a baby and taking care of that baby as if your life depended on it, which it often does.

If you don't take care of yourself by feeding yourself and being nice enough to yourself then how can you take care of the baby.

But, if you spend so much time taking care of yourself that the baby dies you have made a mistake you likely won't live through in the end.

So, it is always a balance of compassion for yourself and compassion for others (the baby) that brings one to complete enlightenment no matter what philosophy or religion or even no religion that brings one to absolute enlightenment.

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